Sunday, June 15, 2008

the show must go on...

Thursday night we went to the Hackworth School of Performing Arts recital - without Emma performing (first time in 6 years) Caitlin also is not dancing this year. (Drama club and cheer leading instead - how perfect for her) So the Odell fam was represented by Nate, Erin and Lily. Personally I loved just watching and not having to deal with the costumes, hair, make-up and on and off stages of a performer. Emma missed it a little I think. She says she wants to go back next year. I'm trying to steer her toward swimming again. Really more her thing. And less drama and cliqueyness too. You know how theater (dance) people are... :)

Lily sat with us while Jackie dealt with Nate's many costume changes and getting Erin on/off. At first I was concerned about being in charge of a 3 year old and trying to watch the show. Then I remembered it was Lil. This is what she did the whole time. Sat quietly, watched the show, ate her lolli.

Nate did great. Some really impressive group numbers. He's so much smaller than the girls in his company group (they're all 13 - 14) that a lot of the lifts involve him getting tossed about. He doesn't seem to mind. Nate loves the girls and the girls love him. Very popular little dude. Helps to be the one guy in class with 25 girls. Erin did a cute jazz number to "Ease on Down the Road." There were only 4 kids in the class so each dressed as a different Wizard of Oz character. Erin was the lion. Very cute. She held her own. Dancing not really her thing. I think they should push the vocal stuff - that girl can sing. Lily's number was very early on. Her first year and she was a little stunned. She just stood there for the first half of the song. Then she started to get into it by the end. All in all a good show. Not quite up to some of the amazing shows a few years back. But enjoyable. And stress free. And not boiling hot for for the first time in years...


Mrs. Cook said...

Aw so cute. So nice to relax and enjoy the show. I felt that way when we went last year to see Emma. I didn't realize Emma wasn't dancing this did I miss that?!

Deb Hanna said...

Jess loved having you guys at her show, I am sure the cousins feel the same. hopefully now that "recital season" is done Emma's desire will fade.