I think my huge (month old) pile of mulch in the driveway was bugging Em, my most productive friend. She can plan, execute and clean up after a major home project before I can cross one minor thing off my to-do list. So it's not done (we Odells are not known for our ability to follow a project through to completion) but a good start, I think. Half the pile is gone. Remulched all the beds on the church side of the house yesterday afternoon. Even did it "right" so Matt wouldn't get all whiney - I weeded first. Can barely move today. Just took a 4 year old percoset. My last remaining one from after my surgery. I wonder if it will still work... If it does I can spread the rest of the mulch, finish the porch, paint the mudroom and follow through with getting kitchen estimates. Or rip up some old carpeting with a fork and then throw it in the fire. (love you Em) I tease because I'm jealous of her drive. And because her drive to get stuff done sometimes results in funny stories. And a beautiful house - but you can't tease someone about that. :)
The One With the Rude Lady at the Convention
10 months ago
WOW!! Looks great!! Where is the pic of the half mulch pile!? hee hee. But really, it looks so nice. I like how you made the curvy shapes around the tree too. Great job!
ok, Tara Whitney, one of the blogs I stalk. Has a OPAM [one project a month] challenge. she posts a BEFORE pic of the project she wants to accomplish and at the end of the month she posts the after. she has done this for one month so far- a picture wall. ANYHOO in my new home I was thinking about doing this. join me?
that is a great idea! I need a deadline or I procrastinate forever...
I'm in. Any restrictions on size of project? Also, is this how we communicate now?!
I'm in!! I still have to finish painting my ceiling... :S
Oh, and yes... your yard looks fantastic!
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