Saturday, December 29, 2007

"This life has been a test..."

"If it had been an actual life, you would have received instructions on where to go and what to do..." Man, I loved this show in 1994. I watched every episode from the beginning and couldn't believe that no one else I knew was watching it. I was heartbroken when it was canceled. When MTV re-aired it, I taped most of the episodes. It's likely I still have that VHS tape kicking around in the basement. But I haven't really thought about the show in 10+ years. Luckily Santa remembered how much I loved the series way back when and brought me the new DVD set for Christmas. And I still love it. It's amazing to me how relevant it still is. All the teen angsty stuff I love really is timeless. I thought I would still love that part. What surprised me was how much I love the adult dynamic now - the husband/wife/parent stuff. Now all stuff I can relate to. (Like hilarious grocery shopping/housework/GS Cookie stuff I'm sure I didn't laugh at/get 14 years ago) Shocking how young Patty and Graham (the parents) look to me now. (Of course they seemed ancient when I was 20) Not to mention baby Claire Danes. It's such a beautifully shot show too - more like a movie. And the music and the clothes from the early 90s - just brings me right back. But like I said, the show really doesn't seem dated, like watching an episode of 90210 or even Friends. Anyway, probably my favorite Christmas present. Good job Santa...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Little Buffy!

Sarah Michelle Gellar - pre Buffy. I vaguely remember this Little Debbie commercial. Boy, she is not even remotely blond.

American Girl Christmas

Caitlin, Erin and Emma with Julie, Kit and Sarah

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

One Christmas down, one to go. We spent the afternoon/evening at Nana and Poppy's. It was nice and low-key. The food was awesome. Kids got a stash, but it was scaled back some, which was a good thing. Both got the top things on their lists, and Santa hasn't even come yet. Unfortunately Jack ended the night headachey and feverish. Not sure what will happen tomorrow. He went to bed early and was asleep in minutes. Hoping that he wakes up well. Otherwise we may split up for tomorrow's evening festivities. (I would not be devastated if Jack and I were to stay home. ) But still hoping he's feeling better. Okay, off to bed. Merry Christmas!!!

"I'm not even cold!"

accidentally matchy-matchy sweaters - mine is new, his is from last year

Christmas jammies (Deb picked the red and the green - I guess it works)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

a new post for robin

don't show paul - no caps :) isn't our tree pretty? tried to take some of the outside lights but they didn't come out great and it's way too cold to fool around out there tonight. i'll have to take some of the kids this week. i have been slacking off taking pics of them. maybe because i know their dhd spring shoot is coming up in just a few short months! hurray for dhd!

(i shouldn't post this late at night - everything is funny to me this time of night)

Friday, December 7, 2007

writers strike

This was post on It's by Joss Whedon (my Buffy, Angel, Firefly creator boyfriend.) So pretty sure it's still on and will be for awhile. (Deb and I were just discussing...) Stupid freakin studio bigwigs... I want my shows back!

e're a week away from Mutant Enemy Picket day! Since the AMPTP have generously offered us a thimble of sputum in exchange for everything written ever, I think it's fair to say it won't be a picnic.

And in two weeks, I'll be in Boston, speechifying (look for some long, fancy words, yo) and rallying shoulder to shoulder with, among other people, my dad, who somehow lived through both the '88 strike and my adolescence. Word. (Long fancy.)

And after that? Well, we might take this to the streets of some other cities. Get the word out, remind everyone that corporate greed (it's nothing but) is hurting everyone in this country. Not just because they're robbing people of entertainment (and, on occasion, art) and strangling an entire (non-writing) community, but because they're sending a message to every union in the country: you're next. The actors know that in their case, it's literally true, but it's also true for the concept of a unionized workforce. We get a lot of flack for being well-fed, glamorous, rich and powerful. We've worked hard to dispel that stereotype but in fact, a select few of us are wealthy and influential. And we have the support of some of the most famous and beloved (and wealthy and influential) people in the country: TV and movie stars! So the fact that the studios feel perfectly comfortable SPITTING IN OUR FACES in front of the whole world cannot bode well for any other union that works under them -- or under anyone who sees how easy it is to deny the basic rights of workers even so public as we. This is bad for writers, bad for actors, teamsters, teachers, nurses, dockworkers... the shape of this country is changing. The middle class is being squeezed out. We're trundling back to the middle ages, people, and all we can do is lie there and take it.

But of course, that's not what's going to happen. The studios mean to starve us out. They can't. We know what's at stake. We take care of our own, and those around us who aren't our own. We dig in. And eventually, if after months of deadlock we still can't make an equitable deal, you will start to see real change. Change in the way we entertain you, change in the essential structure of America's most popular export. (Unless it's corn. Is it corn?) The fact is, the studios have been robbing us for twenty years. (Actually, it's been much longer, but the statute of limitations says I should let 'em off easy.) This grotesque insult of a negotiation is the end of an era. It will be remembered as the stupidest move the conglomotainment empires ever made. WE ASKED FOR PRACTICALLY NOTHING. And they...

Something snaps. Something changes. Chaos, meet opportunity. Let them try to starve us out. We won't just survive. We will THRIVE. We're known as a creative community, and those numb f#$%ing frost-giants are about to find out we're a lot more of both than they knew.

If they come back to the table this very Tuesday next with the deal we need (and they won't), the change will still have come. The snap. The thing that broke, that can't be fixed. The eye, still wincing from the light, but finally wide open.

Good going, guys! Way to think it through.

A long while ago, I remember logging on with the intention of making jokes and spreading joy. Apparently, the thing that's broken is me. Apologies. I even forgot to complain about my cold.

Thanks for being here. See you soon.

lost tooth!

Jack lost his first tooth yesterday at school. As you can maybe see in the pic, the adult tooth is almost completely up behind where the baby one was. My kids hold onto their baby teeth forever. At least it came out on its own - no dental assistance required. But I do miss the cute gappy smile that most kids get. Oh well, Jack was thrilled. It was fun for him to lose it at school too. He got to bring it home in a little, tooth shaped, plastic box. And he was very happy with his dollar from the tooth fairy this morning. Luckily he is not aware that other people get DVDs from the tooth fairy. :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Elf Yourself

Thanks Robin! That was pretty fun. The kids think it's hysterical!!
Click to see the Odell family elves.

Monday, December 3, 2007


Vespers went great. Emma was so calm about it. The college kids who read seemed more nervous than she did. She wore her JC Penney bargain dress that I bought after Christmas last year. $3.99 baby! Jack was not overly impressed with Vespers. But he was mostly still and quiet through all 90 minutes of it. He whispered in my ear a few times, "I hate this Vespers. Is it almost over?" I think Matt may have been thinking the same thing. But he knows better than to say it...

Emma's reading on YouTube - I just recorded it on my still camera so the volume is a little low.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Mom/daughter day

Emma had Vespers practice this afternoon. (She is a reader tomorrow at the Amherst College Holiday Vespers.) She did great. Lots of hard words too like lineage and Judea and Nazareth. Afterwards we went to Target so she could pick out a Christmas gift for Jack. She picked the Bumblebee Transformer - don't tell Jack. Then we saw Enchanted. We both loved it. I think it was pretty much the perfect mommy/daughter movie. Normally I can't stand kid movies, other than a select few. And I despise paying to see them in the theater. This one was worth it though. Oh and Idina Menzel (sp?) from Rent and Wicked had a small (sadly non-singing) role.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

random stuff

1. The kids at Amherst College are playing Assassin. It's hysterical to see how caught up in it they get. They fly across the caf to kill (tag with a sticker that says deceased) their person. Fun stress reliever before exams. Makes we wish (again) that I had lived on campus.

2. I am reading I Am Legend before the movie comes out. Who knew it was about vampires?? Since it was originally written in the 50s I'm guessing there isn't any vampire sex. Damn... The human (played by Will Smith in the movie) laments about being lonely/celibate and his urges, but I think that's as juicy as it get. Did you know there is a whole vampire erotica genre? I found one at Big Y the other day in the romance section. It was book 3 of a series, so I didn't get it. But I looked it up at home and apparently there are a ton of books like that. Who knew? The series is called "The Immortals After Dark" series. I may order one after Christmas. I heard I may be getting an Amazon gift certificate. I'm filling my cart in preparation.

3. I have been wanting fake popcorn and cranberry garland for YEARS. I used to make it as a kid with the real stuff and then we'd put it out for the birds after Christmas. Very labor intensive and lots of poked fingers. And it would not last in my house now with the dogs. I tried to find it online and didn't have much luck. Found it at one site, but it wasn't really how I pictured it, and it was pricey. Well today at Target I found exactly what I had pictured. And the Christmas decor was 20% off! I love Target.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

This weekend is crazy for us. Thursday we do Thanksgiving at the Odell's, Friday at my parents, Saturday we get the tree, Sunday we decorate. This year we added a sleepover guest - Caitlin. She reminded me that we also did that in 2004. I included a pic from that Thanksgiving sleepover too- sniff, sniff, they grow up so fast!

Thanksgiving Day at the Odells - Lily, Erin and Jack - I took no pics that day - Emma took this

Thanksgiving sleepover 2004

Thanksgiving Sleepover 2007

Jack, Emma and Erin in front of our tree

Emma and Jack watching Matt cut down the tree - looking old. The kids, not Matt.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

swim meet/sleepover Saturday

Emma had a home meet today. She rocked the relays. Her team came in first both times, in one race by almost a whole pool length. Her backstroke individual was more of a challenge. (3rd out of 4 racers) Poppy stopped by to cheer her on though. And Christina, who is sleeping over tonight, came to the meet too. Jack and Matt sat this one out - they stayed home and did yard work. I was actually grateful to have Christina around to keep me company. Swim meets are very long - and frankly, a little boring. 85 races - Emma swam in numbers 1, 21 and 51. We stayed until the end because we thought the ribbons would be awarded. (They weren't) Oh yeah, and to cheer on her South Hadley Swords teammates.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

scanning pics...

for my Shutterfly calendar. This is the one I'm using for May '08 - the month of our 10 year anniversary. Don't we look like babies? (Skinny babies...)

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Hamming it up at our house...

the trick-or-treat gang - cousins and company

my favorite costume - worn by Jake

Monday, October 29, 2007

Haunted High School group

Jack, Maddie, Andrea, Kristen, Christina and Emma

Haunted High School

We went to the Haunted HS on Sunday with a big group. We had gone last year and had a really good time. The NHS kids dress up and decorate the school. They have activities (art and crafts, games) set up in classrooms. And they hand out candy. The gym has a big bounce house. Fun and cheap ($1 and one non-perishable food item to donate.) So this year is similar, but they decide to play up the "haunted" part. The school is darker with spooky music and battery operated bats and things hanging from the ceiling. That was cool. They also had HS students in scary costumes hiding around corners and in dark doorways jumping out and yelling. That was not cool. First time Jack screamed and bolted. Total fight or flight - when I picked him up I could feel his heart pounding through his costume. I give him a lot of credit for finishing up the route to the gym. After that a random mom walked in front looking for hiding HS kids. She would find them, point and say, "Don't even think about it. There are little kids coming through." Her daughter was also terrified. For the record my 10 year old niece was terrified too. She took more convincing to finish the route than Jack did. The bounce house at the end made it worth it for Jack. He was fine. But he told me this morning he's not going next year.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

my latest dream house

I know it's monstrous but this house has exactly the layout I'm looking for. Well the downstairs does anyway. Check out that laundry/mudroom. And the kitchen desk. The 4 car garage is a bit much. But I guess one bay could be a workshop and another could store bikes, mower, snowblower and yard stuff.

If you want to see the whole plan go to:


Thank God For Deb

Monday, October 22, 2007


Why does it bug me so much seeing Suri Cruise with a bottle? Bottles bug me more than binkies - I know it's irrational.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

karate girl

So in the adult karate class students have to test to be promoted in rank - individual exercises, sparring, and verbal exam all supervised by sensai and a panel of black belts. Today was the first time Emma participated in a promotion test. She and Christina were so nervous! But they did great - along with the other kids who recently moved up to the adult class. Good bye orange kid's belt - hello adult white belt with one green stripe!

Jack had to get in for the last one.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

kindergarten boy

So Jack has been sounding out words left and right and recognizing a growing number of sight words. And he has been voluntarily (voluntarily! for fun!) writing and illustrating his own stories. This from the boy who a few months ago would cry when I asked him to sign his name on a friend's birthday card. From the boy who brought home maybe 3 drawings over the course of 2 years of preschool. I don't remember such a sudden flip the switch moment with Emma. She's my slow and steady girl. But it's pretty crazy to watch. Now if only Jack has an emotional development flip the switch moment... I'm pretty sure it doesn't work that way though.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fire Bugs

Uncle Jon and Kristen came over yesterday. While Matt mowed Jon bulit a fire. Andrea and Maddie from across the street came over too - so we had 5 kids. The kids spent a good portion of the late afternoon and evening roasting marshmallows and lighting sticks on fire. I even dug out some ancient 4th of July sparklers. I tried a ton of different camera settings trying to capture some evening fire/sparkler pics. Didn't work all that well. But you get the idea...

Apple Picking

On Friday I chaperoned Jack's apple picking field trip. My group had Jack and his 3 closest friends in his class. Jack and 2 of the boys were total goofballs. The other boy (also named Jack) was quiet, thoughtful, mellow and sweet. I can't imagine what he sees in those other 3 crazies, but somehow their foursome works. It was a fun morning and the apples were delicious! Can you guess which one is the mellow Jack?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hi Deb!

Pretty sure you're my only reader. Spent the last day of summer at a bday party for Jack's friend Raul. Jack had a ball and played with all different kids and in a bunch of different museum areas. (Previous visits he was stuck on the ambulance...) Fun for him and easy for me = good party. Then we met Matt, Em and her friend Christina at the Canoe Club for a picnic. The crazy girls swam for hours. Jack took a brief dip too. Then Poppy took us all for a boat ride. Fun day. Yesterday took the kids back to the Canoe Club for a "pizza cruise" with my parents while Matt powerwashed the porch. Woo-hoo! But I'm still getting estimates... :)