Saturday, October 25, 2008

horse lover

Emma was supposed to be done with riding as of today's lesson. (Until the spring and hopefully another bday gift certificate) But her instructor said she's ready to start cantering, which is the next big step after mastering walking/trotting. We may let her do a few more just so she can try cantering before her winter break. No desire to hang out in the riding arena through the winter. And frankly, the lessons are totally a budget buster... She does love it though. And they tell me she has made so much progress. No frame of reference, so I will take their word for it.

Sunny - one of the older lesson ponies
He's getting a little small for Emma

this sign is new - nice, huh?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Willow Rosenberg and Wesley Wyndam-Pryce....

are pregnant! Makes me so happy! (Like I know these people.) It also makes me happy that these two actors (Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisof) found love in the Buffy-verse. So now I am guessing Lily and Marshall will be expecting on HIMYM. Or she will carry lots of big pocketbooks and hide behind plants. I think it's hilarious when they do that on TV.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Follow through - who knew?

Alternate title: Deb was right - go figure...

So last week I called all the SH schools I signed up to sub at. Said I was just calling to make sure that I am on the current sub list and that my availability is M - F this year. Like magic, from the day I called I have been called to sub every day. Today the principal caught me on the way out and asked if I could just plan on coming in the rest of the week. Who knew?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Okay this is a bit random. I went to a tupperware party maybe 10 years ago and won a little keychain. It was a tiny bowl with a removable lid on a small chain. I think I kept it for awhile then tossed it. 'Cause what the heck would I use that thing for. Well now I am looking for exactly that sort of thing for Jack's milk money. (In SH the school lunch program is old school - they bring in actual money) By any chance, did anyone else win one at a tupperware party? And if so, do you use/want it? I know a six-year-old who cannot keep track of his milk money who would put it to good use...

Okay, found some on e-bay, but I'd rather not pay $20. Who knew they were collectables? Ugh.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Don't vote.

Thanks Robin. This is great. And not only because Dawn from Buffy the Vampire Slayer is in it...

I heart Tina Fey

Sorry, couldn't get it to load without the ad. It's quick though. Loved the debate skit. Touched on all the stuff we talked about... Also, Deb will love the last line... *UPDATED* Okay was able to embed the NBC one. No more commercial!