Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Day 08

On Thursday we went to the in-laws. 10 kids and lots of craziness. Took not a single picture. Not even baby Bren in his adorable argyle sweater. For shame... At least I remembered to snap a few of E & J in the morning. Our traditional picture tree is no more. So we posed in the side yard near the big tree. The light is weird, but I wasn't picky. They hate posing for pics now, so I had to knock it out quickly. Is it me, or do they look really old in these?

Today we had our day after Thanksgiving feast at my parents' house. We invited Caitlin along because now it's tradition. Again, barely anything for pics. Did get this one of the 3 kids watching funny cat youtube videos on my iphone.

Tomorrow it's our annual multi-family Christmas tree day. Odells are nothing if not creatures of habit.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Jack's 1st grade class did an adorable play today called No Turkey for Perky. Perky is a dog. A girl named Hazabelle doesn't like turkey and tries to figure out what food she can ask for (and be thankful for) on Thanksgiving instead. Totally cute. Here are a few highlights. Bad visibility and old camera, but you get the idea... Jack is the turkey in the back row.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

my other commercial songs...

What did people do before they had the internet to look up things like, "Who sings the Old Navy Sweater song?" Not like you can look it up at the library... Did you have to ask people you know? These are the things I wonder about... And the things that make me appreciate the internet. Picking wedding reception songs must be a breeze now too...

Old Navy Sweater Song (The Way I Am - Ingrid Michaelson)

I also like this song for a wedding first dance.

TLC's Monday night promo

Beautiful Life by Fisher (hard to dance to, but not a bad wedding song)

Give Up the Funk by Parliament

(not a wedding song) Respect the Van!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Kel, this is the one....

Sniff, sniff... Still gets me. Kelly blogged about Joshua Radin music. I bought this song shortly after seeing the JC Penney commercial last May. I love commercial music. Also bought the Old Navy Sweater Song (The Way I am). And the Beautiful Life song that is featured on the new Jon and Kate commercials. This is the best commercial of the 3 though...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's almost advent calendar time!

Our favorite ones from previous years have been the Playmobil ones. Lego makes cool ones too, but they are kind of hard to find, and tend to be pricey. Actually little toy advent calendars are kind of hard to find in general. One year I lucked out with a cheap Polly Pocket one at Christmas Tree Shops. Last year I couldn't find any cool ones in stock anywhere so I just bought chocolate ones at the grocery store. Not really as much fun. And we still have a bucket o' Halloween candy, so I'd like to avoid more. Anyway, I started looking a few weeks ago and was very pleased to find Playmobil knight and pirate sets at Target. They were initially out of stock on-line. But now they have them! The kids will be thrilled I think. Admittedly, I have a soft spot for Playmobil stuff. When my uncle was stationed in Germany in the early 80s he used to send me Playmobil toys. And gummy bears. Way before either were common here. Funny, the stuff that triggers childhood nostalgia... Oh and the knight one appears to be in the German packaging. Makes me happy...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

I'm a Centrist!

Me? In the middle? Shocking... If you take the test, let me know your results. It's quick and some of the questions are pretty funny. Like the one about duels/death matches between consenting adults. I'm going to see if I can make Matt do it. The test, not a death match...

Your true political self:

You are a

Social Liberal
(65% permissive)

and an...

Economic Moderate
(43% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Election Day!

SNL is at its best during an election season. I started tivoing it again about a year ago. These 2 clips are from last season. They were highlighted on the election eve clip show which aired last night. Made me laugh all over again... Hope you all already voted. Our polling place was dead at noon. Brought the kids. Emma thought it was cool. Jack thought it was a little boring and that his election booth/process at school was better.

btw, Ms. McWilliams' first grade class results:
Obama 18 - McCain 4

Here are the clips. In this one the last 40 seconds are the best.

Tracy Morgan's response

Sunday, November 2, 2008

our Jack-O-Lantern

disappeared off our porch last night. :( No smashed residue anywhere. None of our little pumpkins were touched. Here are Jack's theories in order of likelihood:

1. UFO/aliens
2. robbers
3. it was a magic pumpkin that made itself disappear
4. football players took it (We live across from the high school field - games all weekend)

For the record, he is pretty sure it's #1.

Good thing I took a picture of it before it vanished.

Just kidding. My mom took this at the Keene. NH Pumpkinfest. This is what we're making next year. We'll have to boobytrap it somehow though. To protect it from the aliens...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

the trick or treat gang

ninja and zombie princess earlier in the day

my favorite this year - Brendan as Charlie Brown

fall fun

Finally loading the pics from the last few weeks. This working thing gives me much less blog time... My e-mail inbox is a mess too. That part is a drag. (As well as my laundry situation...) But I'm sure I can work it out. (Like the rest of the working population - many of whom probably work more than 6.5 hours a day...) And I'm totally enjoying it. I really love 2nd grade. The kids are pretty independent, can read well and know the routine/rules of the school day. But they are still little and cute, want to show you things, tell you funny stories, draw you pictures, etc. The teacher I worked with all last week is amazing. She is my number one choice for Jack next year. Numbers 2 and 3 rock too. Anyway, these pics are from 2 weeks ago - big leaf pile #2 maybe... With our big, old maple we have 6+ weeks of raking.

Look Deb! Sun flare, right?