Thursday, June 19, 2008


Emma and Jess warming up in the sun - that pool was cold today!

more water cam...

Jack took this earlier tonight.
I will not post the many they took of each other's butts...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

meet the SHHS class of 2020

Helen: I can't believe you don't want to go to your own son's graduation.
Bob: It's not a graduation. He is moving from the 4th grade to the 5th grade.
Helen: It's a ceremony!
Bob: It's psychotic! They keep creating new ways to celebrate mediocrity, but if someone is genuinely exceptional...

Remember when Mr. Incredible goes on a little rant about Dash's graduation. Part of me feels the same way. But that said...I heart kindergarten graduation. It was so darn cute. Every kid had a little, special role. The whole class sang a few songs. Then everyone received his/her diploma from Mrs. B. and announced what they would like to be when they grew up. Lots of race car drivers and ballet teachers. One girl wanted to be Mrs. B. I can't blame her. I kind of want to be Mrs. B....

Jack and Jack lead the pledge

cute tree song

Jack wants to be the ice cream man when he grows up!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

pool fun

Top one was taken with my regular camera. But I also took a Christmas gift out of the box finally. My parents got me a basic waterproof digital camera. It seems very easy to use and sturdy. Can't wait to use it more this summer. Especially at the beach. Kids had a ball with it in the pool yesterday. Our neighbor Andrea figured out most of the functions. Teenagers...

It takes stills...

And video...

The tail end is when Jack kicked the camera accidentally. Like I said, sturdy... I compressed the file way too much for youtube so it looks pretty choppy. I'll have to work on that. It looks great on the camera and computer.

the show must go on...

Thursday night we went to the Hackworth School of Performing Arts recital - without Emma performing (first time in 6 years) Caitlin also is not dancing this year. (Drama club and cheer leading instead - how perfect for her) So the Odell fam was represented by Nate, Erin and Lily. Personally I loved just watching and not having to deal with the costumes, hair, make-up and on and off stages of a performer. Emma missed it a little I think. She says she wants to go back next year. I'm trying to steer her toward swimming again. Really more her thing. And less drama and cliqueyness too. You know how theater (dance) people are... :)

Lily sat with us while Jackie dealt with Nate's many costume changes and getting Erin on/off. At first I was concerned about being in charge of a 3 year old and trying to watch the show. Then I remembered it was Lil. This is what she did the whole time. Sat quietly, watched the show, ate her lolli.

Nate did great. Some really impressive group numbers. He's so much smaller than the girls in his company group (they're all 13 - 14) that a lot of the lifts involve him getting tossed about. He doesn't seem to mind. Nate loves the girls and the girls love him. Very popular little dude. Helps to be the one guy in class with 25 girls. Erin did a cute jazz number to "Ease on Down the Road." There were only 4 kids in the class so each dressed as a different Wizard of Oz character. Erin was the lion. Very cute. She held her own. Dancing not really her thing. I think they should push the vocal stuff - that girl can sing. Lily's number was very early on. Her first year and she was a little stunned. She just stood there for the first half of the song. Then she started to get into it by the end. All in all a good show. Not quite up to some of the amazing shows a few years back. But enjoyable. And stress free. And not boiling hot for for the first time in years...

Monday, June 9, 2008

baby B

I forgot to post about our new little nephew - for shame! Brendan Jeffry was born on 5/29 weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs 10 oz. Cate and Dan seem to be adjusting well to new parenthood and Mr. B is super sweet and mellow. Brendan makes a nice even 10 Odell cousins. Check out Deb's photo blog in July for their "happy birthday grandma" group shot. 10 kids ranging in age from 2 months to 16 years - piece of cake, right? For now, check out Brendan's DHD newborn pics. I love the one she took of his wrinkled little piggy toes.... So cute...

Friday, June 6, 2008

i heart SYTYCD

The new season of my favorite summer show has started - So You Think You Can Dance. Done by the same production team as Idol so the format is very similar. (They just finished the annoying auditions and are down to the final 20 who will appear on the show) They do partner dancing in all different styles - contemporary, hip hop, ball room, jazz, disco, broadway, and more... And big group productions numbers (that are amazing - not cheesy/painful like the idol group numbers) Beautiful dancing (funny, elegant, sexy, rockin' you never know what you're going to get) and there's nothing else on. So set your tivos!

This is one of my favorites from season 3 (last year)

This is a very cool group number from season 2

Amazing contemporary from season 2 (and I normally don't get contemporary)

My fav top 4 from season 2

Okay and yeah season 2 was my favorite - hilarious hip hop Travis and Benji

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

one more...

from Jack's first friend sleepover. The boys were up early and were running around with water guns in PJs laughing and laughing - so fun for them and for me to watch. I really do love this age. Miles and Jack have very similar interests and had a ball together. Still little enough to be funny and cute. But very independent. Easy, easy sleepover. Our little playgroup reunion BBQ that afternoon was also fun. Lots of trampoline jumping (by the kids.) Of course I took not a single pic. Addie, Jess and Miles also enjoyed going to the barn to watch a little bit of Emma's horseback riding lesson. Emma loved the audience and the kids ooohed and ahhed enough as she rode around to make her feel cool. Again, no pics. Didn't even bring my phone. Too bad because they looked super cute all lined up watching. And Emma looked very proud and teachery rather than show-offy. It was fun to watch. And fun to be there with little "big" kids. No running around or chasing after them or trying to keep them quiet (like if I brought 3 year olds) they were all so good. But they are still little enough to love being around animals and be impressed with their big kid friend's (limited) skills. Pretty cool watching all these kids grow. I often notice the changes more in my friends' kids than in my own. But then I pay attention more and see it reflected in my kids too. Does that make sense? I think the percoset kicked in... :)

for Emily...

I think my huge (month old) pile of mulch in the driveway was bugging Em, my most productive friend. She can plan, execute and clean up after a major home project before I can cross one minor thing off my to-do list. So it's not done (we Odells are not known for our ability to follow a project through to completion) but a good start, I think. Half the pile is gone. Remulched all the beds on the church side of the house yesterday afternoon. Even did it "right" so Matt wouldn't get all whiney - I weeded first. Can barely move today. Just took a 4 year old percoset. My last remaining one from after my surgery. I wonder if it will still work... If it does I can spread the rest of the mulch, finish the porch, paint the mudroom and follow through with getting kitchen estimates. Or rip up some old carpeting with a fork and then throw it in the fire. (love you Em) I tease because I'm jealous of her drive. And because her drive to get stuff done sometimes results in funny stories. And a beautiful house - but you can't tease someone about that. :)

we grow 'em big...

The 2 tallest kids in SH kindergarten are on Jack's tee-ball team. Wouldn't they make a sweet couple? And they might have cute (tall) red headed children. I will have to stock up on sunscreen for my grandkids... And warn the parents that they'll have to buy larger shoes for their kids every 3 months. On second thought, maybe my kids should marry darker skinned petite people. With good eyes and teeth too. Oh and with some singing and dancing ability. And no anxiety issues. Gotta mix up those Odell genes!