Sunday, August 31, 2008

before and after

This week in addition to babysitting 2 neighbors & one 3 mo nephew and school starting for my kids, the roofers finally showed. And of course 10 minutes later the town tree guys did as well. Total chaos. Deafening noise, trucks everywhere, half my doors in and out blocked and/or unsafe to use. I almost sent an e-mail to Neil's blackberry requesting a Hartzog margarita delivery. We made it though. Of course the town tree service is only resposible for cutting down the tree. It's up to the DPW to remove the wood. So it still looks exactly like it did Friday when they left - all over my front lawn/walk. (See last pic.) I will miss the tree a bit. Shaded the afternoon sun on the house and it was our first day of school picture tree. But it also clogged up our gutters, sewer line and was rotten on one side. At least it wasn't our massive tire swing tree. Love that one. Tree guys were impressed too. They said they had never seen a silver maple over 6 feet in diameter. It must be over 100 years old. I would really miss that tree when and if we ever move... Anyway... you can also see the new roof in the AFTER pics. Most annoying/boring use of thousands of home improvement dollars. But I guess it had to be done.




Thursday, August 28, 2008

1st grader!

this is Jack's slightly nervous smile

feeling more confident at the bus stop with B as a distraction
hopped on the bus waving and smiling

4th grader!

Hard to believe this will be Emma's last year in elementary school. Next year - middle school. Too scary... Cannot think about it. She is thrilled to start school again. As usual... Can't wait to hear about her day. Not that she'll share much. I'll have to talk to her friend Christina if I want the scoop...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

last OBX post (I think)

One night after the littler guys were in bed, Devin and Emma had a blast with the water cam. Many very funny pics and videos... Here is a small sampling:

more beach after dinner light...

Pose nice - it's after dinner light!

working on their timing...

kids humoring me at the OBX Ace Hardware...

we heart holes on the beach...

Holes on the Beach - That could be the name of a new drink. Or a band. Or my scrapbooking store... The holes provide hours of amusement and corral the kids nicely. They are especially fun when the tide is coming in. The kids love it when the water finally breaks through the wall - see Jess pic below. (And Marc and Matt love it too) No idea if the holes are hard to dig. But look at the last pic. Apparently a six-year-old can do it. :)

back to OBX - random mix

Jack with crazy beach hair - wind is not blowing, it is stuck that way

Julia & Jess in the gorgeous after dinner light
Deb has this one better on her blog

Neil, our boogie man

Emma looking old at the lighthouse

Jack wearing Deb's swim skirt saying, "Ooooo, I'm Deb..."