Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Annual Tree Hunt

This is why we need Deb. This is the type of family photo other people take.

Our Saturday after Thanksgiving tree tradition is way easier with mostly big kids. The cousins all had fun running around looking for the perfect tree. All those big kids had lots of opinions. Though Brendan mostly liked feeling the branches and popping things in his mouth. It took some time but in the end we found 3 good trees for the 3 families. Ours is a little shorter than usual, but it still looks good. I will post decorated pics later.


Mrs. Cook said...

You're so funny. I want that picture for my Christmas card, please. :) Can't wait to see Jack's Christmas House.

Deb Hanna said...

hee hee I like that family picture. but, um, are you holding the tree up or is the tree holding you up?

Kelly H. said...

I'm a little concerned that Matt seemed to be trying to saw your head off. I hope that's not a tradition!

Great pix! I miss hunting for the tree!!