Sunday, December 21, 2008

one more from sledding

The hill across the street is C shaped. We usually sled in the medium steep area. The super steep part (with jumps) is usually full of teenagers. Anyway, the area we like is right behind that little gray house that I love. Deb and Em, the one that I made you go to the open house for last May. Dee, the one I kept e-mailing you the real estate listing for. It did finally sell this fall. Not to Dee. :( The old owners used to string old school big bulb Christmas lights on the big pine in back. It actually looks like they're still there. But the new owner doesn't turn them on. I knew I should have bought that house... How perfect for sledding. And Matt still is drooling over the shed with electricity and cable. Nothing else about the house made sense. Smaller house, weird, sloped lot, on the busy side (SHHS football field side) of the street. But it was just soooo me. *sigh*

Look, I still have the listing in my saved properties folder...

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