Monday, December 22, 2008

nutty for sledding

Our schools are already on Christmas break - we have 2 full weeks off. (And last Friday as a bonus.) Today Emma's friend Christina came over for the day. In spite of the cold and blowy conditions we went across the street. It was only 3ish but the sun was starting to go down.

Really pretty light. But really cold. The kids didn't care. I'm the wimp. They tried out a steeper section of hill and even made a little jump.

climbing up the steep part

Christina catches some air

Nothing like these big kid snowboarders though. They reminded me of Marc with their big shovels...

And check out what this dad brought for his 4 kids to go down in. The top of a turtle car storage thingy!

This was the view as we left an our later...

Quick walk home to cookie day cookies and hot cocoa. :)

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