Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

We spend Christmas Eve at my parents' house. My Uncle Steve and Grandma also go over. It's pretty low-key. My kids are the only kids. They get a lot of loot and attention, but there aren't any crazy kid cousins to run around with. They still have fun though. They are very familiar with Nana and Poppy's house and know where all the fun stuff is. Nana also put E & J to work this year. They set the table and sliced cheese and arranged the appetizers. They were quite good little helpers. It was a great dinner and a nice night. We eat at 1:00 so the afternoon/evening's pace is slow and relaxed. We were home by 8. The kids zoomed upstairs to bed. They were very excited for Santa. Though both kids had already checked off a few of the top items on their lists. Both were sure that Santa would be in the know and not bring duplicates. (They were right)

reaction shots with the top gifts on their lists

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