Tuesday, December 16, 2008

pretzel boy

So I had a mountain of pretzel snaps (the square ones) leftover from cookie day. Jack's teacher has non-sugary extra snacks on her wish list. So I sent in a big ole full bag of snaps along with a box of tissues. On the way to the bus in the morning I told Jack I had put some classroom donation stuff in his backpack. This is our conversation when he came home that afternoon.

Me: Did you give Ms. McWilliams your classroom donation stuff?
J: Yes. She said thanks.
Me: (after unpacking his lunch box) Hey, you didn't eat any of your lunch.
J: Well I didn't have any room after eating all those pretzels.
Me: Um, what?
J: The ones you packed me for snack. I ate half at snack and half at lunch. I threw some away.
M: Those were for your classroom. You ate the whole bag?
J: Yeah. Mostly. That was a lot of pretzels.

Um, yeah.


Dan said...

So what did he give her, the tissues? Tis the season for sniffles!

Mrs. Cook said...

Laughing out loud!!! That is so funny. Gotta go finish my belly laugh!!

Deb Hanna said...

too funny- TOTALLY laughing. Jessica would have been beside herself to see that bag of pretzels in her bag and done the same thing.

Bec Odell said...

Yup he just gave her the tissues and assumed that I packed the mondo pretzel bag for him to eat at snack. And all the stuff in his lunchbox (like his sandwich) was just extra apparently. He's such a dork... :)

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't eat a sandwich either if I had a big ol bag of pretzels...way to go Jack!

Kate said...

Freaking hilarious! Kids are awesome.

Kelly H. said...

That's a great one, totally rocks the blog.