Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey Day 08

On Thursday we went to the in-laws. 10 kids and lots of craziness. Took not a single picture. Not even baby Bren in his adorable argyle sweater. For shame... At least I remembered to snap a few of E & J in the morning. Our traditional picture tree is no more. So we posed in the side yard near the big tree. The light is weird, but I wasn't picky. They hate posing for pics now, so I had to knock it out quickly. Is it me, or do they look really old in these?

Today we had our day after Thanksgiving feast at my parents' house. We invited Caitlin along because now it's tradition. Again, barely anything for pics. Did get this one of the 3 kids watching funny cat youtube videos on my iphone.

Tomorrow it's our annual multi-family Christmas tree day. Odells are nothing if not creatures of habit.


Mrs. Cook said...

Cute pics! Ok, you are dressing me from now on - I love Emma's sweater! And the blue one is the same one Miles wore for T-day! (I think you bought it for him.) :) We're doing the tree tomorrow too!

Deb Hanna said...

yes you are creatures of habit- Coby's anyone? of course I think that gives security and stability, so nothing wrong with it.

Kelly H. said...

Yes, they do look older. Scary how they do that when you're not watching...

Bec Odell said...

Em, the sweater is a woman's size M, you could probably share it with her. :) $9.99 clearance rack at Marshall's. Got it the day before Thanksgiving.