Saturday, October 25, 2008

horse lover

Emma was supposed to be done with riding as of today's lesson. (Until the spring and hopefully another bday gift certificate) But her instructor said she's ready to start cantering, which is the next big step after mastering walking/trotting. We may let her do a few more just so she can try cantering before her winter break. No desire to hang out in the riding arena through the winter. And frankly, the lessons are totally a budget buster... She does love it though. And they tell me she has made so much progress. No frame of reference, so I will take their word for it.

Sunny - one of the older lesson ponies
He's getting a little small for Emma

this sign is new - nice, huh?


Kelly H. said...

So tough. Finances versus supporting what they love. I hear ya sister. The sign is tough, but wwe live in a litigious world.

Mrs. Cook said...

Yep. What Kelly said. Apparently I will be taking Addie to gymnastics until she gets to the Olympics. I hear Level 3 is 3+ hours twice a week! Pricey and time-consuming!