Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Follow through - who knew?

Alternate title: Deb was right - go figure...

So last week I called all the SH schools I signed up to sub at. Said I was just calling to make sure that I am on the current sub list and that my availability is M - F this year. Like magic, from the day I called I have been called to sub every day. Today the principal caught me on the way out and asked if I could just plan on coming in the rest of the week. Who knew?


Mrs. Cook said...

Yeah, she's good that way. :) Great that you know ahead of time too. Always a plus!

Deb Hanna said...

who knew?? I knew, that's who! and good for you for finally doing it. now, do you like it? is it decent money? a good way to get your foot in the door for something else that comes along- they will keep you in mind.

Bec Odell said...

I do like it. Especially Jack's school. Kids are sweet. (mostly) Staff is pleasant and helpful. Not great money, but better than the college last year. And 2 minutes away. I get a 45 min lunch. Yesterday I came home and watched the View. My kids are still young enough to think it's cool and be excited to see me during the day. I'm hoping it's a good foot in the door. So are you proud of me? :)

Kelly H. said...


Mrs. Cook said...

Yes. Proud and jealous of those awesome hours!! :)

Deb Hanna said...

yes proud. but I miss my lame friend who wasn't working that I could call for no reason throughout the day to shoot the "breeze". now I have to go find me a new lame friend- that stinks.

Bec Odell said...

Good like finding someone as lame as me, baby... :)

Kelly H. said...

Uh, hello? I'm still fairly lame...