Saturday, April 5, 2008

for kate...

And she wanted me to clarify that there is nothing wrong with Tess, this is just a current picture. Taken today in the yard in fact. Can you tell I'm holding a treat above the camera?

Poor Tessie was not our alpha dog. She seems a little confused without Hannah around to lead. She does seem less mopey than a few days ago though. I guess we all do. Thanks for all your kind words and support. Nice to have friends who understand...

1 comment:

Kate said...

YAY TESS! What a sweetie. Give her extra hugs for me. She'll adjust to her new pack dynamic in time... she's got lots of love & support. I miss your girls... I find myself sounding like you sometimes: "Girls, go potty!" etc.

BTW - thanks for being clear for the dimwitted in your audience. ;)