Thursday, April 17, 2008

birthday boy!

My baby is six! Jack had a pretty great birthday. I brought a snack to school this morning. The kids in his class sang Happy Birthday complete with cha-cha-chas and ooh-la-las. Em & Jack got home and had a quick lunch (half days today and tomorrow) then I dropped them off at the Canoe Club with Poppy. He was raking and burning sticks, two of their favorite activities. He also had marshmallows to roast. And there were many rocks to throw in the river. Fun, dirty afternoon. I went to Jack's conference. Went so well. Love, love, Mrs. B. Jack is doing great. Very proud of him, but I give her much credit. Then we caught up with Nana and Matt and all went out to dinner. The cute local place's owners (who have known both kids since they were babies) brought out a surprise ice cream/poundcake dessert with a candle and sang. Then home for presents, the pinata with the neighbor girls, and more cake/singing. (Mmmm...DQ ice cream cake) Busy, nutty day. Jack just rolled with it. Which, if you know him, is not usually his strength. He was so polite and agreeable the whole day. I think six must agree with him. :)


Kate said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!! I love the squiggly candles.

Mrs. Cook said...

I like the candles too! Love the day too, sounds like a great bday!! Happy birthday, Jack!!

Kelly H. said...

Happy Birthday Jack!!!