Saturday, December 20, 2008

snow day!

No pics from our snow day yesterday. If there were they'd be pretty boring. School was canceled so Em, Jack and I stayed in jammies all day. The kids did go outside a few times. I mostly warmed the couch and read my book from Dee - The Secret Life of CeeCee Wilkes. (Finished it too. Good call, Dee - you know a Bec book when you see one.) :)

Today Emma was up bright and early. She went out to shovel since Matt said they couldn't go sledding til the driveway was cleared. She didn't last long. "Shoveling is hard," she announced. It was a good effort though. Unfortunately a call from MassMutual foiled the get out to the hill early plan anyway. But after the MM problem was fixed and the driveway, walk and back stairs were clear Matt and the kids headed out. I caught up a little later to take some pics. I was a little worried Jack would already be done. In previous years he has had small window of time where he enjoys being outside in the snow. Last year he was a little better. Well I'm happy to say this year he outlasted us all. I couldn't believe how much fun he was having. (absolutely zero whining about the cold, crying when he wiped out, kicking the snow, demanding to be carried home - yeah, he was a barrel of fun a few winters back) This year he was all laughs, smiles and woo-hoos as he climbed up and flew down time after after time. Emma had to take a few breathers - because she was tired, not whiney. But not Jack - he was all Mr. Happy and Energetic. Possibly I give him more credit than I should for simply having fun in the snow and being, well, pleasant to be around. Poor Emma never gets credit for that. But for Jack it doesn't come as naturally and takes far more effort on his part. So I'm going to give him credit for not being a pain in my butt. And, seriously, it was really great to see him so happy, having so much fun. Both of them. But mostly him. Ya know?

the hill abutting the HS athletic fields - right across the street from us

my 3 snow bunnies

happily pulling the sled back up the hill

my favorite Jack shot of the day

my easy-going girl - trying not to take her attitude for granted


Kate said...

I love that pic of Jack tipping off the orange sled. What a great action shot!

Anonymous said...

Glad you like the book...I knew you would! Playing in the snow looks fun... but I am Jack a few years ago - whining and cold! I stayed inside!

Dan said...

Looks like it's going to be snow weekend... I've had enough of snow though it will be nice to have a White Christmas.

Mrs. Cook said...

I love your annual sledding pics. Every time I see them I think, hey we should go this year. But we never do. I am more of a hunker down and sit on the couch girl. I'm glad Jack had so much fun. Matt is a fun dad!!

Bec Odell said...

I think I may have given you the impression that I do actual sledding. I am there for crowd control and picture taking. And when I get cold I walk home. In previous years I took Jack home with me. This year I had no excuse to leave early. (But I still did) :)

Kelly H. said...

Thank you for the very honest commentary about your kids and sledding. It's fun for about 3 runs and then someone starts whining or chucking ice balls at the kid of a good friend (or stomping on their back with a boot). Just sayin...Great shots!!