Sunday, November 2, 2008

our Jack-O-Lantern

disappeared off our porch last night. :( No smashed residue anywhere. None of our little pumpkins were touched. Here are Jack's theories in order of likelihood:

1. UFO/aliens
2. robbers
3. it was a magic pumpkin that made itself disappear
4. football players took it (We live across from the high school field - games all weekend)

For the record, he is pretty sure it's #1.

Good thing I took a picture of it before it vanished.

Just kidding. My mom took this at the Keene. NH Pumpkinfest. This is what we're making next year. We'll have to boobytrap it somehow though. To protect it from the aliens...


Mrs. Cook said...

Wow, that's weird. Wonder why the aliens would want it so bad? Testing, perhaps? And hey, that prize-winner is AWESOME! I am always kicking myself the week after Halloween, wondering why I didn't find the time to do cool Jack-o-lanterns! I'll have to make a note to myself for 2009...

Kelly H. said...

Maybe it weas those aliens Marc made out of snow a few years ago? The one eyed one horn flying purple pumpkin eater??

Kelly H. said...

BTW, you scared me with the photo. Was feeling almost as inadequate as I felt reading that Deb made a costume this year. W/E Deb...