Tuesday, July 15, 2008

NYC, baby!

I can type but don't ask me to move my legs/feet. Man we walked and walked. We jammed so much in. The kids were total troopers. They were excited about everything and complained about (almost) nothing. Here is the rundown:

Sunday: Museum of Natural History, Mars 2112 restaurant, Times Square, Toys R Us, M & M store

Monday: Battery Park, WTC site, Statue of Liberty, Top of the Rock

Tuesday: Today Show, American Girl Store, Nintendo World, caught a little bit of the All Star Game parade

Hmmm...somehow it seems less busy written out. Trust me though, it was jam packed. We walked and subwayed our butts off. So impressed with the kids.

I have to load the pics from my phone and my mom's pics. Here are a few highlights though, mostly from day 1. I will load the celeb shots and travelocity gnome shots tomorrow. Gotta put my feet up.

Mars 2112

Toys R Us Ferris Wheel

Times Square

Statue of Liberty


Mrs. Cook said...

Wow! You did do a lot! I'd be exhausted too! Suddenly I need a cup of coffee... :)

Kelly H. said...

I'm tired just reading the list, so it does seem like you did a ton! Love the pix, can't wait to hear about Mars 2112!