Saturday, May 24, 2008

finished my mothers day gift/project

Matt is responsible for all the before - admittedly the harder part. I got tired of waiting for him to finish the after so I did that myself this week. Amazing what you can get done while unemployed... Still not ready to tackle the porch painting myself though. But the new landscaping makes it even more obvious. Oh well, one project at a time...

BEFORE - huge overgrown evergreen things

AFTER - boxwoods and knockout roses (& gnome)

the driveway side, not new, just cute and English gardeny -
please ignore the weeds and messy driveway


Deb Hanna said...

OMG! super cute! and um yes the porch is very obvious now.

Kate said...

WOW! That makes a huge difference!

Mrs. Cook said...


Kelly H. said...

Really nice!! Who's unemployed?? I clearly missed some news.