Sunday, November 23, 2008

my other commercial songs...

What did people do before they had the internet to look up things like, "Who sings the Old Navy Sweater song?" Not like you can look it up at the library... Did you have to ask people you know? These are the things I wonder about... And the things that make me appreciate the internet. Picking wedding reception songs must be a breeze now too...

Old Navy Sweater Song (The Way I Am - Ingrid Michaelson)

I also like this song for a wedding first dance.

TLC's Monday night promo

Beautiful Life by Fisher (hard to dance to, but not a bad wedding song)

Give Up the Funk by Parliament

(not a wedding song) Respect the Van!

1 comment:

Kelly H. said...

Darn tootin'! Resepct the mini van!!