Saturday, November 1, 2008

fall fun

Finally loading the pics from the last few weeks. This working thing gives me much less blog time... My e-mail inbox is a mess too. That part is a drag. (As well as my laundry situation...) But I'm sure I can work it out. (Like the rest of the working population - many of whom probably work more than 6.5 hours a day...) And I'm totally enjoying it. I really love 2nd grade. The kids are pretty independent, can read well and know the routine/rules of the school day. But they are still little and cute, want to show you things, tell you funny stories, draw you pictures, etc. The teacher I worked with all last week is amazing. She is my number one choice for Jack next year. Numbers 2 and 3 rock too. Anyway, these pics are from 2 weeks ago - big leaf pile #2 maybe... With our big, old maple we have 6+ weeks of raking.

Look Deb! Sun flare, right?

1 comment:

Mrs. Cook said...

I totally hear you on the messy inbox. Someone emailed me from college, haven't talked in ages, and it took me a week to write back. And I think it was something lame like, 'sorry so short but.." ugh..