Kitty-Brain (B-Brain, Mr. B or just B) our 15 year old cat passed away suddenly this week. He was my first pet in my first apartment. I felt like such a grown-up. He was 11 weeks old when I adopted him - the last kitten left in the litter. All his brothers are sisters were adopted a few weeks before when they were still little puffballs. No idea why he was the last one left. He was such a friendly, affectionate boy. Back in my first apartment he always greeted me after work or class, made cute "Brrrr" noises when I talked to him and snuggled on my lap when I watched TV. B was a trooper and weathered 2 moves, 2 new cats, a new Dad (Matt) 2 dogs and eventually 2 kids. He was the cat who hung out with us at night. He often tried to push Matt's laptop out of the way so he could get comfy. He loved lounging on the back of the couch looking out the front window. He was friendly with the kids and was easy to get purring. Honestly you could almost just call his name. He always came when you called him. Just a little more slowly recently. Still not really sure what happened. He was an old man, but seemingly healthy. Emma took it the hardest. It's hard having a houseful of old pets. Tess (our 12 yo pup) was freaked out. Smoochie (our other 14 yo cat) seems unfazed. He is the cat with zero personailty. Funny how different they can be. Like people, I guess. Anyway, since B was the second pet we lost in 2008, it seems less hard somehow. Maybe because we didn't make the decision - he just went. But he is totally missed. Especially at night. The couch seems empty without him.

skinny little man in my first apartment - look at all that candy!

he loved that windowsill - great apartment for cats

when his ears were still too big for his body