This week in addition to babysitting 2 neighbors & one 3 mo nephew and school starting for my kids, the roofers finally showed. And of course 10 minutes later the town tree guys did as well. Total chaos. Deafening noise, trucks everywhere, half my doors in and out blocked and/or unsafe to use. I almost sent an e-mail to Neil's blackberry requesting a Hartzog margarita delivery. We made it though. Of course the town tree service is only resposible for cutting down the tree. It's up to the DPW to remove the wood. So it still looks exactly like it did Friday when they left - all over my front lawn/walk. (See last pic.) I will miss the tree a bit. Shaded the afternoon sun on the house and it was our first day of school picture tree. But it also clogged up our gutters, sewer line and was rotten on one side. At least it wasn't our massive tire swing tree. Love that one. Tree guys were impressed too. They said they had never seen a silver maple over 6 feet in diameter. It must be over 100 years old. I would really miss that tree when and if we ever move... Anyway... you can also see the new roof in the AFTER pics. Most annoying/boring use of thousands of home improvement dollars. But I guess it had to be done.
The One on the Yacht
4 weeks ago