Friday, September 5, 2008


Does the Republican party not have any qualified masscomm people? As if the rotating Windows scenes of America screensaver behind the podium of the RNC speakers wasn't bad enough... (none of whom spoke well/could read a teleprompter without looking like they were reading/engaged the audience at all - except for maybe Palin, who did well enough, but was a little too sarcastic for my liking) But seriously, who did the video montages for the candidates? Amateurish. Cheesy. Painful. Palin's by far the worst, which is a shame because she actually has a story that is interesting and might make people feel something. (Interesting aside, great article recommended by Deb's friend's Lisa's post... ) Anyhow, back to the lame-o montage. Check out the part at the end where she and J. Mac pop up under the rainbow. Ugh. A 10 year old could have done that montage in Power Point...

For the sake of comparison, here is Joe Biden's video from the DNC last week. I am not blind to the cheese factor here and there in his. But overall, much more professional and engaging. More video rather than still photos. And fewer "scenes of America" stock photos. And certainly no popping up under the rainbow...


Mrs. Cook said...

Wow, yeah, those sucked. They should have hired you Bec, you'd show them who's boss. :)

Kelly H. said...

But if they were any good, we'd lose that feeling of superiority, which makes me very happy. :) I love how they kept saying "Maverick". Reminds me of Top Gun.