Sunday, September 7, 2008

Halloween '08

Em and Jack refuse to let me pick their costumes anymore. I loved it before they had opinions - when I could coordinate them. This is what I would have done this year - Mario and Luigi. Easy and super cute!

Instead they are talking about a Clone Trooper and a zombie. Ugh. That is not fun. Or matchy...


Mrs. Cook said...
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Mrs. Cook said...

Holy mackerel!!!! That is EXACTLY what Jason wanted our kids to be this year too!! We thought it would be fantastic. No luck though. Miles wants to be a Star Wars person, and Addie doesn't know, but definitely not Mario bros...maybe you and me can dress up as them? You can pick which one..

(I deleted the other comment because I had a typo, didn't realize eblog would be all official about it!!)

Kelly H. said...

Devin wants to be this gruesome Grim Reaper guy with an open chest that shirts fake blood around it. Julia wants to be Hannah Montana, which I reminder her was what I wanted her to be last year...

If we mix those together, it kind of looks like "Prom Night". Hee hee.

Deb Hanna said...

that is so cute and easy peasy. Maybe you and Matt (or Jason and Em) can wear those outfits when you take the kids out trick or treating. if we had the wii I might have been able to convince my kids to do it, but alas don't think they would get it. Jessica bought some ruby slipper shoes at Walmart so I am going to make her a Dorothy costume. Justin will be either a knight or a policeman.