Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Now as a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan I admit I do enjoy a a good apocalypse story... But give me a break. Yeah, I'd say there is a reason they are down playing Palin's religious background. Yeah, yeah and I know the article says that people misunderstand the actual beliefs of Assembly of God members. Judge for yourself...


You know who else downplays the A of G connection? TLC. Hardly ever mentioned on Jon and Kate Plus 8. Only once they showed their church. Their website makes it more obvious. Still love them. But wouldn't vote for either of them for president.


Kelly H. said...

I'm glad you said that b/c I was looking through their blog the other day from your link and was worried that you were a lot more religious than I'd thought. (Don't ask me why I'd assumed this from a blog link? Maybe the "Vespers" thing is still sticking with me.) Made me worry about anything horrible I'd said on vacation...

Kelly H. said...

Isn't Rapture where your soul gets sucked up and leaves a pile of your clothes behind? Someone described this to me once, wonder how accurate it was.

Bec Odell said...

Oh worry not, my friend. I am the least religious person I know. Emma did Vespers because it's an Amherst College faculty/staff/college community thing that my mother is very into. (But not the religion part - we come from a long line of non-believers) Matt only mentions the possibility of a higher power when very, very drunk. I humor him like I humor Jon and Kate plus 8. And yes rapture is an end of days type thing when all the true believers get sucked up into the air to be one with Jesus. Not their souls, their actual physical bodies. People (like SP?) actually believe this.