Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nope, no job offers from YouTube yet...

The real title of this entry would be Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog. If Deb wasn't such a wise-arse. I bought all 3 Dr. Horrible episodes on itunes over the summer. I don't know why I kept putting off watching. A musical written by Buffy's Joss Whedon, starring Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion. Seriously, how could you go wrong? Finally watched them on my iphone on the long drive to NC. Totally loved them. Even on the teeny screen. Reminded me of the Buffy musical. And Little Shop of Horrors. And an episode of Scrubs. Recently re-watched on a larger screen. And I found out that you can watch the whole thing on-line for free. Or you can watch little clips on you-tube. Or I guess you could support the artists and purchase the series. Pretty sure it's only available on itunes right now though. Heard it's coming to DVD soon with a commentary track all in song. How fun is that!?

Two of my favorite songs:

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