Saturday, January 24, 2009

PV Swim League Championship

Today was the last meet of the swim season. All of the teams in our league met at the Mt. Holyoke College pool. It's all weekend long, but each group is asigned a specific time slot. Emma is in the 9 - 10 girls group. You wouldn't think there would be that many swimmers in that group. You would be wrong. Hundreds of kids... It was a super long day. Crowded, sweaty, back-breaking bleacher seats. But Emma swam strong and had a blast hangin' with her team...

big pool - much better set up than the pool we were at last year

how Jack survived the meet

hanging out between events

last race of the season...


Mrs. Cook said...

Where are the actions shots, Mom!? And congrats to Emma on another great season!

Deb Hanna said...

yeah! where are the action shots??

Kelly H. said...

Too busy cheering, I'd imagine!!

michelled said...

This brings back memories of when I swam as a young girl! Looks the same!!