Thursday, January 8, 2009

Amusing themselves on a snow day...

Still have no clue what they were playing. Didn't get a shot of Jack's elaborate outfit. Weirdos... So far we've had one full day of school this week. Fingers crossed for tomorrow...


Kelly H. said...

Looks like it would have fit right in with whatever crazy imagination game my two cooked up this week. I think cabin fever hits us all. Thank god for the crunchy ice/snow in the back yard today. At least they got SOME physical activity. I think it's cruel that we've had 1 and 1/2 days off this week on the heels of a 12 day vacation. LOTS of QT, LOTS of QT...

Mrs. Cook said...

Ha ha! I am totally with kids have been, um creative as well. I was so glad they were outside in the snow this afternoon. We all needed it!! :)

Anonymous said...

Like attentively would read, but has not understood