Sunday, August 24, 2008

We are so funny...

With Kelly's blackberry and my iphone we had instant access to e-mail for both drives. Mostly the exchanges were, "Where are you?" or "Watch out for a speedtrap by exit whatever..." But some of the e-mails back and forth were like these:

Seriously, what's funnier than driving by someone and snapping their picture then e-mailing it to them? The Hartzog picture was taken all stealthy. We had no idea until they e-mailed the pic. Matt swears that he is not purposely flipping them off.


Kelly H. said...

Hee hee hee!!!! I didn't even notice the "flip" until now. Most excellent. Will it be weird if I still e-mail you with "Where are you?" So glad you captured this part of the trip that made us HOWL with our stealthiness.

Deb Hanna said...

... until you missed your exit...

Mrs. Cook said...

That pic of Matt makes me giggle. Yep. Matt is so funny. :)

Kelly H. said...

Yes, the exit missing was karmic payback somehow.