Monday, August 4, 2008

Cape Cod

Still digging out from sandy stuff/car and a pile of mail. But I'm starting to go through Cape Cod pics. Very fun week. By far the easiest and most relaxing yet. Good weather, good company, 2 good books. What more could you ask for? I will post some more pics and info tonight. For now just the crazy picture snapping lady who Justin befriended. One of, I should say... (I wish I had taken a pic for every friend Justin made/random person he approached - I would put them all into a book titled "Eh-Scuse Me" or "Talking to People is Nice, Right?")

Hello way over there across the beach...making 3 Odells very nervous

This tube? I should crawl in here so your accomplice can snatch me away?

This is the one for the Amber Alert...

1 comment:

Deb Hanna said...

you make me laugh! and it is not always nice to talk to people because sometimes they are on the phone...