Saturday, July 12, 2008


I heart the summer Olympics. And Michael Phelps. He's grown up a bit in 4 years, huh? There is a pic of him in this week's People that I wanted to post. But I can't find it online and I'm too lazy to scan it. This one will have to do...

Oh and of course I'm also totally cheering on Dara Torres (age 41, mom of a toddler) in her 5th Olympics. I loved her teasing Matt Lauer on the today show. She has goggles that are older than some of her teammates. Go Dara!!


Kate said...

HEL-LO! Now, there's a reason to watch the Olympics.

Kate said...

Actually, I love him because he's so into his dog. And not because a PR person told him to be. His dog has been in how many commercials now? I love it! This is no STUNT dog... right?

Someday when I'm famous I'll have my dogs in commercials with me.

Kelly H. said...

Uh, YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!