Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Okay this is a bit random. I went to a tupperware party maybe 10 years ago and won a little keychain. It was a tiny bowl with a removable lid on a small chain. I think I kept it for awhile then tossed it. 'Cause what the heck would I use that thing for. Well now I am looking for exactly that sort of thing for Jack's milk money. (In SH the school lunch program is old school - they bring in actual money) By any chance, did anyone else win one at a tupperware party? And if so, do you use/want it? I know a six-year-old who cannot keep track of his milk money who would put it to good use...

Okay, found some on e-bay, but I'd rather not pay $20. Who knew they were collectables? Ugh.


Deb Hanna said...

ok, seriously? when I first opened this up I thought it was a diaphram (sp?) what about one of those oval plastic squeezable money key chain things we used to have as kids- are those still around?

Deb Hanna said...

like this:

do links work?

Bec Odell said...

Oh I had one of those as a kid! You need a $25 minimum to order though. I'm going to check the dollar store today. I have a feeling it's one of those things you see all the time but of course when you're looking for one...

Anonymous said...

I think I have one of those at work... the oval one. I will check in the morning

Mrs. Cook said...

I thought it was a diaphram too!! (no idea how to spell that. or use that...but I digress) I, too was thinking of those oval things. I used to have one that I got from one of our family trips down the coast, circa 1979. It was red and it said, "Virginia is for lovers". Kinda weird for me to have as a seven year old. But found out later my sister was conceived on that trip. Ew.